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The laser cutting head is the biggest factor affecting the cutting effect when the machine tool and laser of the fiber laser cutting machine are certain!
Using different laser cutting heads, the cutting effect is also different, so everyone does not know how to choose the most ideal laser cutting machine cutting head, then let Qilin Laser tell you which cutting head to choose to have a better cutting effectiveness:
Qilin Laser Application Technology pointed out that only by choosing an intelligent laser cutting head can the cutting efficiency be greatly improved, and laser cutting machine experts have been constantly developing and improving laser cutting machines, mainly to better meet the needs of consumers ; Therefore, the laser cutting machine has very good flexibility, especially the interface between the laser cutting machine and the workpiece and the machine; and the laser cutting machine in the laser cutting machine industry has different types, specifications and shapes. Therefore, it is widely used in various industries and is deeply loved by consumers.
The cutting head of the selected fiber laser cutting machine is mainly based on its cutting accuracy, and the flexibility of the laser cutting machine is also very important, because the flexibility is better, the cutting efficiency will be higher, so the selected cutting head Is the key point; multiple sensors can ensure the cutting quality, even when processing the surface of the coated workpiece; and if you want to have a better cutting efficiency, then the sensor and the cutting head are perfectly combined, and the benefits are great Reduce the processing time and make cutting more safe and reliable; however, the non-contact sensor system allows the laser cutting machine to have a very good cutting effect, so it is widely used in various industries.
Shenzhen Qilin Laser Application Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in R&D, production, and sales of laser applications and intelligent laser manufacturing. At present, the company's main products are: laser cutting, laser welding, laser beauty and intelligent focusing system control products. We pay attention to every detail of the product and devote ourselves to perfection. Qilin Company must be your best partner. Domestic Sales Department: 86-755-27999931
在现代工业制造领域,焊接技术作为连接材料的关键工艺,一直扮演着至关重要的角色。随着科技的发展,传统的焊接方式逐渐被更加灵活高效的激光焊接所取代。骐麟激光的双摆手持焊接技术以其独特的灵活性和精准性,成为众多工业生产线上的一大亮点。 (一)灵活性与精准性的完美结合 骐麟双摆手持焊接技术能够更好地……
对于企业而言,购买激光焊接机不仅是一次性的消费决策,更是对长期使用的投资。因此,在挑选激光焊接机时,除了考虑价格因素外,售后服务、设备耐用性以及工件焊接质量等都是不容忽视的关键点。为了帮助您做出明智的选择,本文将为您详细解析。 双摆鱼鳞纹焊缝 选择激光焊接机需要从多个角度进行综合评估。一方面,要计算……
光电盛会·圆满收官 2024年3月22日,第十八届慕尼黑上海光博会在上海新国际博览中心圆满落下帷幕。本届展会通过展示和交流,促进了行业内部的合作与交流,推动了光电技术的进步与应用。 激光焊接新宠·震撼亮相 作为双摆焊接的开创者,骐麟在智能激光应用领域不断深耕,致力于提供更加专业、个性化的激光焊接解决方……
在现代制造业中,激光焊接技术以其高效、精准和可靠的焊接质量而备受青睐。随着技术的不断进步,双摆手持焊接技术应运而生,为工业生产带来了新的突破。本文将从焊接效率、焊接质量以及应用灵活性三个方面,详细探讨双摆手持焊接的优势。 双摆手持焊接技术在焊接效率方面具有显著优势。传统的激光焊接设备在进行复杂形状工件的焊……
随着科技的不断进步,制造业正经历着前所未有的变革。手持激光焊接机适应多种复杂的焊接需求,为工业企业带来降本增效、促进技术升级和创新、提升产品质量等诸多益处。 01 降本增效 价格并非选择手持激光焊接机的唯一因素。更高精度的焊接,更高效率的出品,是当下降本增效的大背景下,提升企业……
风冷焊枪,作为焊接技术中的重要设备,是一种通过强制风流冷却系统来有效管理热负荷,从而确保连续稳定焊接作业的工具。 同为骐麟DWT22型号的焊枪,三把焊枪采用的分别是MINI、QBH和QCS接头:体积更小,手感轻便;可长时间握持,无尾缀感。 同为DWT22,三把焊枪采用的是不同的接口。……
近年来,激光焊接行业正经历着前所未有的激烈竞争和变革。这场“大洗牌”不仅考验着各企业的生存能力,也对整个产业链造成了深远的影响。在这样的背景下,对于激光焊接设备的购买者和使用者来说,选择一个稳定可靠的品牌显得尤为重要。 作为一家专注于激光焊接技术开发与应用的高新技术企业,骐麟激光深知技术创新是企业发展的核……
集合自研高端芯片、轻量化设计等优势,骐麟风冷手持焊枪DWT22自诞生以来一直备受关注,尤其是在风冷焊接领域,更代表着相关技术发展的方向,备受行业与用户的青睐。 01 手持式设计 单手可灵活操作 手持式设计赋予了DWT22极高的灵活性,重量不到0.7kg,单手可轻便化握持、灵活操作……
随着工业4.0时代的到来,智能制造逐渐成为全球制造业转型的关键。在这个过程中,机器人焊接技术以其高效、精准、灵活的特点,成为了推动制造业向智能化、自动化转变的重要力量之一。越来越多的企业意识到,机器人焊接技术在提高生产效率、保证产品质量以及降低生产成本等方面具有不可替代的作用。 (一)有效进行多种金属材料……
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