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Published in : 2017-05-19 Browse : 4031





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"Laser city" is expected to become a new business card of Shenzhen


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Routine usage specification and maintenance method of optical fiber laser cutting machine


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Laser cutting machine in the cutting material burst phenomenon how to do?


Many customers have come to consult with the laser cutting machine when cutting plates of 3mm or more, there will be blastholes, which will cause the cutting samples to be incomplete or the follower head is unstable. What should I do if blasting occurs? Let's discuss with Qilin Laser: 1. Reduce the oxygen pressure. Oxy……

Market status


Although the development of my country's laser industry is a preliminary development, it has achieved a leap in development under the leadership of international science and technology, and has a higher level of excellence than the same quality. In terms of laser cutting machines, the market demand is as high as tens o……



熔化切割一般使用惰性气体,如果代之以氧气或其它活性气体,材料在激光束的照射下被点燃,与氧气发生激烈的化学反应而产生另一热源,称为氧化熔化切割。具体描述如下: ⑴材料表面在激光束的照射下很快被加热到燃点温度,随之与氧气发生激烈的燃烧反应,放出大量热量。在此热量作用下,材料内部形成充满蒸汽的小孔,而小孔的周围……

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